Stoner by John Williams

Check it out on Goodreads Reading fiction has always been a double-edged sword for me. Some of the most intimate moments I’ve spent alone is while reading fictional stories, while at the same time, feeling a pang of disappointment for myself because I wasn’t doing anything “productive.” Is this mere entertainment? Am I just escaping my real-life responsibilities and reading stories of make-believe? While I still haven’t found sincere answers to these questions, I’ve grown more confident of what I enjoy and what I don’t, which has consequently helped me find peace with this conflict....

🗓 June 28, 2020 · 5 min · 🔖  fiction

A Beautiful Woman

I don’t know why, but I liked the eyes-only version more. Linked below is the work-in-progress sketch:

🗓 June 9, 2020 · 1 min · 🔖  sketching

Martin Freeman

I used to be obsessed with Sherlock (the HBO show) during the time it aired, and part of my fascination was with Martin Freeman here, who so brilliantly played the role of Watson.

🗓 June 9, 2020 · 1 min · 🔖  sketching


I have a particular affinity towards this sketch as I was very apprehensive about attempting Einstein, his face had much more complexity than what I usually dealt with, but it turned out good enough in the end.

🗓 June 9, 2020 · 1 min · 🔖  sketching

Mother Teresa

Completely botched this drawing, but it reminds me of the drawing streak I used to have back when I was in my hometown during college vacations.

🗓 June 9, 2020 · 1 min · 🔖  sketching

Charlie Chaplin (um... not quite)

I was either on acid or I had watched a sad movie before attempting this piece. A strange juxtaposition of Chaplin and Hitler.

🗓 June 9, 2020 · 1 min · 🔖  sketching


My first attempt at drawing after dabbling in caricature pieces in my childhood :)

🗓 June 9, 2020 · 1 min · 🔖  sketching

Oslo, August 31st (2011) by Joachim Trier

Verdict: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Check out this review on Letterboxd Anhedonia. The Wikipedia entry for this word says: a diverse array of deficits in hedonic function, including reduced motivation or ability to experience pleasure. At one point or another, we have all experienced some version of this phenomenon - may be characterized by an oversaturation of love, or caused by a prolonged mediocrity in life, or as in the case of our protagonist here, the complete loss of will and motivation to feel anything....

Bad Blood by John Carreyrou

Check it out on Goodreads How to fool the world and become a Billionaire I remember hearing about Elizabeth Holmes when I was in my late teens, at that impressionable age when you get hyper-inspired by reading about icons that are going to change the world. There was a profile of her in Wired, with an eye-catching image of her wearing a turtleneck black sweater holding what looked like a test-tube with a tiny amount of blood with a science-y background....


Check it out on Instagram I’m scared. No, not because there’s a pandemic going on, even though that itself is enough to make one lose their mind. There’s another deadly virus crawling its way into my whole being. Slowly eating away at my sanity, feasting on my thoughts, mutating inside my head as if a colony of ants was given an open invitation to a room full of sugary syrup....